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About the "28 Pages of 9/11 Misdirection" Site
Who We Are and Where We Are Coming From We are a group of members of the 9/11 Truth Movement, largely members of the national 9/11Telecon email discussion list, who became troubled with the gung-ho "let's get on board the 28-pages declassification train" attitude of some other members of that list. Our main concern was that the central assumption of the 28-Pages sub-movement of the 9/11 Truth Movement was not only invalid, but dangerous to the Movement. That assumption is this: the declassification of the 28 Pages will convey a sense to Americans that they haven't been told the truth about 9/11, and that it will then be possible for the Movement to use this as a shoe-horn or "Camel's nose in the tent" to deliver 9/11 Truth to those Americans, regardless of what the actual content of the 28 Pages is. We believe there at least two fatal flaws in this assumption:
Why This Website? On August 18, 2015, we of the "28-Pages Misdirection" group sent a letter to Les Jamieson, expressing concern with what we felt was a marked tendency of his hr14.org website to reinforce the Official Conspiracy Theory of 19 "hijackers," and by doing so to implicitly support the subsequent anti-Muslim fallout of 9/11. We requested that certain changes be made to the website to distance it further from the Official Conspiracy Theory. Les sent us his well-considered response on August 26. It was clear from this that there is no disagreement between us and Les (and others of his way of thinking) on the overall problem with the Official Conspiracy Theory. The main disagreement is strategic -- the wisdom or usefulness of the "Camel's nose in the tent" approach to spreading 9/11 Truth, based on the flaws outlined above. In the months since our conversation with Les, it has become increasingly obvious that this disagreement isn't resolvable. We have been publicly called "anti-28-pagers," though many of us are willing to see the declassification happen. Two of our number were fired from the board of a 9/11 Truth organization. We have felt obliged to sound a warning to the Movement of the danger as we see it. We had an article on the issue published on GlobalResearch.ca. We discussed a Facebook page and a website, and since we had within our group the capability for a simple website, we decided to implement that first. This site is the result. We hope that those of you who encounter it will raise awareness of it among your friends and colleagues. Contact If you want to contact us, please send email to: info "at" 28PagesRevealed.info |